
Posts Tagged ‘souls’


Autumn is very magical to me. I love the frosty mornings and the mystical nights. I love all the seasons, but Autumn is my favorite. The trees turn beautiful colors and their leaves fall gently to the ground making a crunchy carpet. Everywhere I look I see changes. The air is cooler and similar to every autumn I have experienced. The wind and rain come, causing the leaves to fall faster and do all sorts of dances and magical swirls. I love how the wind makes the tops of the trees sway back and forth, like a dance, lulling them to sleep. I sweep and rake leaves from the porch, cut back the roses, collect seeds and bring plants in that spend all summer out in the warmth and come in to keep from freezing in the winter. I watch for signs and pay attention to the forecasts for frost and low temperatures. I find myself rummaging for warmer clothes and boots instead of sandals. My gardens are finished producing and I feel so blessed for all they gave for us to eat and enjoy. I seek ways to keep the dogs out of them so the soil can rest all winter long; composting for the next growing season. I dry some of the herbs and others will continue to grow indoors for me and my family to enjoy. I decorate the front porch with some of my favorites; a scarecrow, jack-o-lanterns and brooms, welcoming guest for the harvest. There are few things I enjoy more than sitting out on the front porch swing, listening to the birds, the wind and feeling the wonderful energy of autumn.

Tonight is Halloween night, or Samhain, as some call it. Samhain is a Gaelic or Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year; the time when Mother Earth sleeps and rests. The days are shorter and darker, ending the growing season, bringing in the time of harvest and then winter. November first is the Western Christian holiday of All Saint’s Day, also called All Hallows or Hallowmas, followed by All Souls’ Day on November second. Both days are considered Holy and are observed all over the world in different ways. Within the days of Halloween and All Soul’s day, I will sit outside, light a candle and burn my yearly “negatives” list. It’s a list of things I am letting go of and changing in positive ways. When I burn the list, I ask the wind to carry the ashes and energy up and out to the Universe. I believe and affirm in new beginnings and let go of what I don’t want and don’t need in my life. I know the veil is thin at this time and it is a good time to speak to those who have passed on to the other side and feel peace. Often, this is a time I will receive messages and “glimpses” of things to come, ideas, inspiration and perhaps even a message from an old soul connection, the angels or spirit. I am open to messages and dreams at this time even more than usual because the energy is so wonderful!

I hope you’re enjoying the season of Autumn and are spending time outside with nature. I’m sending good wishes for a wonderful Halloween, Samhain and All Saints day! Remember to take some time to set a place at the table or light a candle in honor of loved ones passed and wish them well.

Blessings and light,


Read the links below for more information: 

One of my own writings/page… https://mystiblu.wordpress.com/tag/october/





*Opinions and thoughts of the Author are not necessarily the opinion and thoughts of the reader. Please read with an open mind.*

If my messages are helpful or reach out to you, please feel free to reach out to me too at “A Moment with Mysti” at https://mystiblu.wordpress.com/ If you share this message, please keep my copyright with it or share it exactly how you see it. Thank you.

Copyright©Mystickblue~A Moment with Mysti~Fran Hafey~Mystiblu~2014-All Rights Reserved.

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